About MeHello! I'm Ilya Kalinin.🔮FutureUX/UI and graphic design student, I'm excited to explore AI's role in revolutionizing design in my upcoming college studies🌟 Academic Achiever at Wake County High SchoolNavigating the exciting world of academics and creativity, I'm all about blending hard work with innovative thinking. It's not just about what I learn, but how we can grow together in diverse fields, from math to design!🎨 Collaborative Journey in UX/UI & Graphic DesignMy adventure in UX/UI and Graphic Design is more than a personal quest – it's a collaborative exploration. With foundational courses under my belt, both in-person and online, I'm enthusiastic about using design to connect and inspire. And yes, I'm looking at AI not just as a tool, but as a collaborative partner in design!🏊 Community Spirit and LifeguardOutside the classroom, my passion for helping others shines. As a certified Lifeguard and active church member, I'm all about making a positive impact in my community. It's about teamwork, safety, and supporting each other in every way possible.🚀 Next Stop: College with a Collaborative SpiritAs I gear up for college, I'm excited to deepen my understanding of graphic design and UX/UI, always with an eye on how these skills can contribute to a larger community. Looking to the future, I'm eager to join projects and opportunities where teamwork, innovation, and a drive for societal impact are at the forefront.🤝 Support My Fundraiser: Education Unites UsJoin me in my mission for equitable education. Support my fundraiser, "Education Unites Us: Ilya Kalinin's Dream for a Fair Education". Together, we can make a difference in making education accessible and inclusive.